Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Monday paint group

We had an interesting model in paint group yesterday. She wore a pentagram and had a similar tatoo (neither of which I included in my paint study). I may finish it up later and see if I can't soften her up a bit. I haven't worked in oil in so long. It was fun.
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tragic painting story

Here is a tragic painting story you may relate to. I started this painting over the weekend and got it close to finishing when I found a little spot on the right side of the head that was sort of rejecting the paint. Thinking there was still a little bit of masking fluid there that I didn't get completely removed I took my Pick Up eraser to it not realizing it was still slight damp in that area. I actually erased a hole halfway through the paper! I dried it thoroughly with a hair dryer and sanded it smooth with some sand paper but I think it still really bothers me so I will have to start the painting over. I'm glad I have learned to do my drawings on a seperate piece of paper so retransfer is pretty easy. Bummer though anyway!
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Update on Jasper. I did another one since I started this one.
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