Monday, April 20, 2009

3 Panels done! 5 more to go.

Well, I have three panels done with the refurbishing and have 5 to go. I have a lot of work done on the others too so it's not like they have to be done from start to finish. The boards have gotten so rough in the weather that repainting on the faces is very difficult now.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New portraits on the wall

Here is an update on the pavilion project. Finally
got this family done despite the poor quality photos.  The photo of the mother (lower middle) had to be reversed.  I've never met the family other than the mother so only had the photos to go by.  I hope they like them. Otherwise I will have to get new photos.
All images on this blog are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and not to be used in any way without the written consent of Tonya Vollertsen.