Sunday, April 18, 2010

2nd pull from hand press

I didn't really like this one at first but after hanging on my studio wall for a few days it has kind of grown on me.  Let me know what you think.
  I actually got a reversal of my small bird image by stamping the inked image onto some mylar and then transferring that to the plate.  It worked great and made it a lot easier than carving another stamp. I used the same method to get the words to print in the right direction.
   I also found a simple way to transfer my photo image to the stamp for carving.  I placed a piece of the mylar over the photo and traced it in with a marker.  I then laid the wet side down onto the carving material surface and rubbed it with my fingers to transfer the image.  So much easier than trying to trace it off!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

First Monotype off of Hand Press!

This is my first hand pulled monotype and a photo of my set up. I got in a little bit of a hurry and  didn't get my registrations drawn in straight.  You can see how the plate is not straight on the paper.   I used my bird stamps again.  My studio space it not very big  and now I am layering work surfaces! LOL!  You can see in the lower photo the piece of foam core board with the ink and rollers up on the drafting table.  While I am inking the plate I have that down on top of the printing area.  Then when I am ready to print I lift the board to the drafting table so I can use the printing surface.  I pressed this with a metal rolling pin.  It worked great  and I even got the indention from the plate.  I am quite pleased especially considering how much trouble it was to get all the right stuff gathered for this deceptively  simple process.

All images on this blog are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and not to be used in any way without the written consent of Tonya Vollertsen.