Monday, November 13, 2006

What I've been up to this week

Well, this is what I have been up to for the past week! I have a couple of places that might want to carry my jewelry, so I have been trying to get some made!
I am stressed though, as I am behind on the Pavillion and I have a comission painting that needs finishing. I also still haven't finished my pumpkin patch watercolor either!
Hope you are having a great week. Cheers, Tonya


Donna B. said...

WOW! I LOVE your beadwork! I am hoping to pick up some tips from your blog. All your education and traveling is so impressive. Aspen looks like a real sweetie pie. Thank you for following me. I appreciate any input you care to give.

Tonya Vollertsen said...

Thanks Donna, I enjoyed looking at your blog. Thanks for all your nice comments!

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