Wednesday, April 23, 2008

obviously life goes on!

I see I am not doing so great with keeping up with this blog but I am doing what I do. If you want to know what the life of a working artist is ...this is it.
Today I went to the WASH model session and we had a fabulous model from Brazil, classical beautiful blond. She was a very good model too in that she was still and setteled into nice poses.
I had the classical problem though, where my camera was with me but then I realized that I didn't have a memory card. I did however take photos with my camera phone...whoo hooo! But then, stupid me, I didn't have the setting on fine! So I have these photos that are severely pixilated! No details at all. So disapointed. That's the way it goes though. I got some great starts for watercolor paintings. Will post later.
I did finish one of my abstract paintings from the Virginia Cobb workshop. Not sure if it needs anything else. let me know what you think.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I love Mondays! I get to paint with my friends from a wonderful model and then we have a critique. It's great. We all paint and we all learn something new about each other and about ourselves. I love Mondays!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Getting ready

Today I painted and tried to get together the things I am willing to display at the Market Street show coming up on the 3rd of May.
I promised my DRSB Students that I would post a picture of the pricipals of light for them to see. so I will have to find that and send it in another post. I looked for it but am going to have to retake the photo. Sorry for the delay. Happy painting and Drawing in the mean time!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New commitment!

I have been so bad about posting but I am going to try to start posting something everyday even if I don't have any photos to post.
I need to do some catching up first. So much going on these days, ... the Waterway Fest was this past weekend and turned out great with fabulous weather. I did a watercolor demo for the Woodlands Art League booth. Lots of my artist friends did demos as well.

I was in the Watercolor Art Society of Houston's 31st International Exhibition judged by Stephen Quiller. He did a workshop to great reviews but I did not take it.

I was lucky enough to a get first place ribbon in Watercolor in the WAL Juried show recently (big surprise for me as there were some really nice ones in the show). Bill Kalawick judged that show and is doing a workshop coming up soon.

Took a great workshop in January with Leslie Humphrey, well known equestrian artist from England. The workshop covered Horses, Deer and Dogs.

I took Polly Hammett's figure painting class this past season and also got to hang out with her sister Virginia Cobb. Virginia taught a workshop here in the woodlands on Abstract painting which I was lucky enough to get in. That was the first week of April. I loved it and learned so much and I really think it has helped me to loosen up my painting and drawing a little...which I have been working on for a while!

Finally got caught up at the Mitchel Pavillion portrait wall but now have a whole new batch of portraits to add. That's just never ending I guess.

I had a wonderful group of students and inordinately large classes for Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (DRSB) and Watercolor in spite of yourself at the college this semester. Everyone was so enthusiastic and seemed to really have fun. It's so much fun to teach when Students are like that.

Other than that I have been painting and drawing at the model sessions we have here during the week and working on paintings to get ready for the Market Street show coming up on Saturday May 3rd.

I think that's about it. I'm off to Polly's last class today and will write more tomorrow. I will try to start posting my daily work. cheers!
All images on this blog are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and not to be used in any way without the written consent of Tonya Vollertsen.