Tuesday, March 03, 2009

More abstract experiments!

This is one of the last ones I did in the workshop.  I still have two in progress, one on paper and one on a 36"X 48 Canvas. Will try to get photos and post them later or tomorrow.   I had a great week and liked most of what I produced.  The process seemed more fun to me this time so maybe I'm catching on! LOL!


Nick said...

this is killer too, right up my alley. Maybe you could resize the pics so they fit on the screen, it would make it a lot easier to look at them

Tonya Vollertsen said...

Thanks! The two you liked are my favorites too. Maybe I'm on the right track.
I'm such a non techno geek, I know just enough to get the photos on the blog. I will try to resize them in the future. Cheers, Tonya

All images on this blog are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and not to be used in any way without the written consent of Tonya Vollertsen.